
Friday, 3 April 2020

My new collection of poems a limited edition of 100 - only £5 + postage

a review below from a fellow published poet Mick Pettinger:-

Just finished reading your pamphlet.
Absolutely amazing.
You use such a wide range of vocabulary that when you're talking about things like love you manage to do it in so many different ways and it comes across as beautiful each time.
I have some comments and questions I noted down if ya get chance to look at em.
Real estate with pool - when ya say "and so we wait for the ripples of time to dissolve life's edges" can I ask what the "edges" are?
Mowson Crescent - "I took her home on my fingers" Brilliant mate, had me howling. 😂😂
Dave and Me - Is Dave a real guy or fictional?
Breathless is great, really makes ya think about being grateful for the loved ones in our lives and to savour them.
When You Say Nothing At All - I really like the line "and breathe the perfume you never wear" but I like the whole poem, beautiful mate.
Paris in the Rain has some good tips in as well as making me chuckle when you pour the wine and smile - "Shoot some duck"! 😂
Obviously there's a few love poems in here but I think I like La Rochelle Dejeuner the most because of lines like;
"and lay down to forget our other lives - there is no cure for love"
"my heart wants to believe her wax pasteled words"
"Life is cruel and love a non sequitur,
why oh why couldn't I have found you first."
"postponing our destiny for another day"
From "Another Place" the last stanza
"and all things remain in flux, for every second of everyday is just another place of melancholy and hope on a restless shore in a restless world"
is awesome.
What an amazing combination of words that make absolute sense and sound so poetically amazing at the same time.
Thanks for signing it too

Thank you Mick Pettinger for your heartfelt comments on my collection of poems 'A Warning Of Gales' . . .   £7 via paypal inc p&p